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[SolidWorks] A newer version of this application is already installed

查看1898 | 回复0 | 2021-10-16 13:44:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
安装 SolidWorks 遇到这个错误时,我们可以用AIOC工具箱扩展版解决

A newer version of this application is already installed

A newer version of this application is already installed

打开 AIOC 工具箱扩展版,进入 SolidWorks 界面,点击检查环境

A newer version of this application is already installed

A newer version of this application is already installed

勾选《系统设置》《注册表及文件夹权限》《VBA Runtime 7.1》3项,开始检查,检查完成后就可以正常安装了。

A newer version of this application is already installed

A newer version of this application is already installed


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